Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering,Swiss Federal Institute of Technology--苏黎世联邦理工学院机械与过程工程系



  The Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering (D-​MAVT) is the largest of the 16 departments of the ETH Zurich. Over 40 professors work in nine institutes, with additional four independent professors. The scientists are active over the full spectrum. Ranging from the behavior of nano particles to the manner of function of large machine tools. The research includes processes of the human body and high pressure processes on a micro and macro scale, robots, vehicles, nuclear power plants and wind turbines – and is always at the cutting-​edge.

  Mission / Vision

  The D-​MAVT educates students for excellence and leadership in science and industry. We perform cutting-​edge research in the international arena, tackling the challenges faced by the Swiss and global community through engineering innovation our various technological fields.